

Embark on a Transformative Journey of Faith with Marwa Travel & Tours' Umrah Pilgrimage

Welcome to the dedicated Umrah blog section of Marwa Travel & Tours, your trusted companion for fulfilling your spiritual aspirations. Whether you’re a seasoned pilgrim or embarking on your first Umrah, our comprehensive blog is designed to guide and inspire you every step of the way.



The Miqat is designated places for Ihram, where those intending to perform Hajj must enter into Ihram and it’s not permissible for those intending Hajj and Umrah to pass beyond them without entering into Ihram. Whoever does so must return to the Miqat, then enter into Ihram, or offer a

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mecca- Difference Between Hajj and Umrah

Unveiling the Difference: Hajj vs. Umrah

Hajj and Umrah are two of the Islamic rituals that involve visiting the Kaaba in Mecca. There are more than difference Between Hajj and Umrah Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory for every mentally and financially capable adult Muslim to perform once in their

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